
LMS integrations: 3 non-negotiables for your LMS

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Does your LMS integrate with everything you need?

Integration capabilities are an important component of any learning management system (LMS). There are three different types of integration capabilities that a learning platform needs: data integration, content integration and learning tool integration. In this article we will delve deeper into each integration type and why it is critical for your organization’s learning platform.  

Data integration in your learning platform

Data integration ensures all relevant data from different systems and applications can be managed seamlessly within the LMS. Not all learning platforms get this right. If data integration is not a capability in your platform, you’ll be doing most – if not all – of your data transfers manually. As you may have experienced, the manual process can be time-consuming and leaves room for human error. Data integration with HRIS systems speeds up the onboarding process for new hires and internal employee transfers because the LMS can recognize this information and automatically transfer the data between systems. True data integration is a bi-directional process, meaning it allows for data to interact back and forth between systems.  

Content integration in your learning platform

The next type of integration your learning platform needs is content. Whether the content is internal or external it should launch with little to no wait time for learners. Additionally, a baseline requirement for a content agnostic platform is that it truly is content agnostic. Meaning it integrates with multi-media, text-based, interactive or any other type of content.

Beyond the physical content integrating, tracking completion data also needs to integrate seamlessly. Again, not all LMS platforms are created equal so you’ll want to ask questions about your platform’s process. The learning platform should give learners the ability to start a module, save its’ progress and come back to it if needed. For the administrator or instructor, they need to be able to run transcript reports automatically and track completion accurately. No time constraints and no confusion.

Learning tools in your learning platform  

The third type of integration needed in a learning platform refers to learning tools that make flexible learning possible. Learning tools can be a variety of technology including; video conferencing platforms, scheduling tools, virtual classrooms, quiz and testing technology, etc. For your organization to deploy, track and manage training, your LMS may need to integrate with these applications. The right learning platform creates a plug and play environment allowing your administrators and instructors to customize courses using both external training materials and in-house tools. In your platform, these tools can come to fruition via remote instructor-led training (ILT), self-directed learning or in-person training. Regardless of the teaching medium, the tools can be implemented to best meet the needs of your learners.  

Learnsoft’s integration capabilities

Learnsoft’s fully integrated LMS plays well with any technology, third party system or Web API. Interested in learning more about Learnsoft? Meet with our team today.  

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