
Decade of excellence: Celebrating 10 years of career empowerment with Iowa's DNR's 'Most Valuable Resource' program

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Extended, personalized onboarding can help empower employees and improve culture.

Hear from Lisa Walters, Head of Training at Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Jen Meyer, Learnsoft COO, as they have a conversation about enhancing the onboarding experience and engaging the workforce. Lisa will share key insights into her department’s Most Valuable Resource program – a Career Empowerment tool that has been consistently rated 9/10 by employees for more than 10 years.

Learning objectives:

  • Get the details on Iowa DNR’s Most Valuable Resource program – a single-day, small-group onboarding session that has connected individuals to leadership, challenged problem-solving skills, and instilled personal growth responsibility with new employees since 2013.
  • Drill into solving key challenges training teams face with new hires through communication, alignment, and a focus on mission, values, and competencies.
  • See how a personalized, extended onboarding process has shaped the department’s performance and engagement over the last 10 years

Watch the on-demand webinar

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