
Overcoming ILT scheduling constraints: Why a dynamic learning platform matters

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Even with the widespread implementation of remote learning across organizations, instructor-led training (ILT) is far from obsolete. Many organizations require some form of ILT as part of their training. However, the challenges associated with scheduling ILT make it a pain point for many organizations. The lack of flexibility, limited classroom capacity and confusing course offerings, all impact the effectiveness of ILT. But the right learning management tool can help your team overcome these issues and keep your workforce compliant and trained.

Combating ILT scheduling constraints

A common issue with ILT is centered around set course times and employee schedules. Course times are often limited by set parameters of the learning platform with little flexibility.  Leveraging a dynamic learning platform will allow for instructors and administrators to allow multiple sessions on multiple dates for the same course without confusion.

Delivering flexible ILT to learners  

For example, in healthcare, workers are required to know how to read an electrocardiogram (EKG). To prove this skill, the worker must schedule a time to come in person to a training lab and show competency. Because healthcare workers schedules are usually unconventional with little-to-no downtime, it’s sometimes hard for staff to find time to show this competency. This is why it is important to offer a variety of lab times, over several days or even weeks. A fully configurable learning platform allows for instructors and administrators to manually set parameters that best accommodate their workforce, which can include times outside traditional working hours.

Scheduling ILT for the learner

When learners log into their learning portal, they can easily find their required training and see all the lab times available. Just imagine - one course name but over 20+ time slots for the learner to enroll in based on their availability. The integrated learning management platform will allow users to access their work schedule and cross reference it with the ILT courses available and pick the option best suited for them. While browsing the course catalog they will be able to see any course pre-requisites, course availability (and waitlist if applicable). An intuitive platform makes this information easily accessible to minimize confusion for the end user.  

Scheduling ILT for the manager, administrator or instructor

Additionally, managers, administrators and instructors can enroll learners in ILT courses where they see fit. This is especially useful in the case of new hire onboarding and training. The moderator can set notification reminders to remind the learner of upcoming courses which they will receive via email or see in their learning platform portal. Through integration, these courses can also reflect in a google calendar or any calendar application of the organization’s choosing. Automated reminders help eliminate confusion for the employees and can help promote class attendance and compliance.

While the shift to remote learning has been accepted widely to quickly deploy training and track progress, it’s apparent certain skills must still be taught and assessed in real time. ILT is typically harder to track, manage and deliver to learners, but when coupled with the right learning management software many of those hassles can be eliminated. Interested in seeing how Learnsoft manages ILT? Schedule a demo today.

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